MasochisticDesign's avatar


is working on her art.
3 Watchers0 Deviations


New Username Symbols

As part of our ongoing process to make the user experience cleaner and more intuitive, we've launched a new set of username symbols designed to help easily identify deviant-types. Easily Identifiable At a glance, the new symbols are quickly recognizable. When hovering over a username symbol, a tooltip appears, providing a brief explanation of that user's deviant-type. If clicked, a modal appears, giving a brief explanation for each username symbol, with "Learn more" links that lead to more detailed explanations. A word from Heidi: Over the years, a few things have come to seem like deviantART mainstays. Deviant green, intricate art categori


301 deviations

New Username Symbols

As part of our ongoing process to make the user experience cleaner and more intuitive, we've launched a new set of username symbols designed to help easily identify deviant-types. Easily Identifiable At a glance, the new symbols are quickly recognizable. When hovering over a username symbol, a tooltip appears, providing a brief explanation of that user's deviant-type. If clicked, a modal appears, giving a brief explanation for each username symbol, with "Learn more" links that lead to more detailed explanations. A word from Heidi: Over the years, a few things have come to seem like deviantART mainstays. Deviant green, intricate art categori


159 deviations
Scourge +SPEEDPAINT!!! =D


15 deviations
Epic battle


12 deviations
Tortoise of Burden


13 deviations
Slender Man

Folders of Gore

30 deviations

FMA Anime

55 deviations